Chat Rules

Bypass / Swearing

  • This refers to modifying a filtered word with symbols, numbers, or letters in order to get around the chat filter. For example, if “noob” was a filtered word, saying “N00B” or “No*b” would be considered bypass.

  • You are allowed to use up to 50% of these words, however, the rest of the word must be censored. For example, “N**b” or “nb” is allowed, if no disrespect rules are broken. Failure to properly censor a word will result in punishment.

  • The use of racial slurs in any form is prohibited.

  • Swearing is allowed in private messages unless disrespect rules are broken or if it’s reported, which is dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


  • Spam is approximately four messages in a row without another player’s message in between. While this is the general guideline, this rule may be enforced differently on a case-by-case basis. Deliberately irritating others with chat spam will result in punishment.

  • In addition to spam messages, spamming players with commands such as: /tpa, /msg, /mail, or /pay is not allowed.

  • Encouraging other players to spam is also punishable. For example, saying: “The first person to count to ten in chat wins 10k!”


  • Impersonation is the act of pretending to be another person for the purpose of entertainment or fraud.

  • Impersonating a staff member is prohibited and offenders will be strictly punished.

  • Impersonating a player is usually allowed, however, it will be up to staff discretion on imposing punishment in the case that a player reports it.


  • Flooding is the use of excessive repeated or random characters. Sending a message with approximately 8 or more repeated or random characters is technically considered flood (but not necessarily punishable). This is the general guideline, but the rule may be enforced differently on a case-by-case basis. Intentionally flooding the entire chat will result in punishment.

  • For example, saying “;iufgbhsb3499ynjdls”

Excessive Caps

  • Sending a message with 8 or more capital letters is technically considered excessive (but not necessarily punishable). This is the general guideline, but the rule may be enforced differently on a case-by-case basis.

  • Repeated use of messages with capitalized letters over the limit will result in punishment.


  • We only use English due to the limited staff members, and a lack of bilingual members.

  • Main chat is limited to English only, to protect people from unseen or easy-to-miss insults, bullying, etc.

  • Continued use of a foreign language in main chat will result in punishment.

  • You may use other languages in private messages or island chat.

Last updated