Advertisement Rules
Hard Advertising
Mentioning other servers or links not associated with SkyLyfe is prohibited.
While we understand that you may play elsewhere, we don't allow any form of advertising on the server.
This includes mentioning a server’s name or IP address, in any form, or any other link not associated with SkyLyfe directly.
Whether in /msg, /mail, main chat, party chat, or on signs or in books; any indication will be queried by staff and dealt with accordingly.
Soft Advertising
Asking players to subscribe to your YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, etc. is only permitted in private messages.
Discord user names are the only form of “social media” that can be shared in main chat.
Safe / Unsafe Links
Our IP address (
Inappropriate / explicit sites
Vote Links
Links leading to any viruses
Discord Link (only SkyLyfe's link)
Links to other server IPs or forums
Common links (Google, Mojang)
YouTube links (Videos associated with SkyLyfe may be shared in private messages)
Last updated